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Marine Pollution

Panama City, August 23, 2021. On August 20, 2021,  Mr. Ricardo Wong Domínguez in his capacity as president and legal representative of the Foundation for the Protection of the Sea, PRO-MAR, present via email to the Secretariat for Submissions on Environmental Enforcement Matters (SEEM) of the Trade Promotion Agreement (US-Panama TPA), in which he  assert that the Republic of Panama is failing   to effectively implement its environmental legislation.

In the Submission, identified as No. SALA-CA-PMA/002/2021 and titled "Marine Pollution by Hydrocarbons", the submitter Foundation  affirms  that the government of the Republic of Panama has failed to comply with environmental legislation with regard to the Protocol of 1978, relative to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships and its amendments; Law Decree 7, 1998, article 4, paragraphs 11 and 12; the Single Text of the Environmental General Law 41, 1998, articles 101, 104 and 105; Law 125, 2020, article 5; the Transparency Law, No. 6 January 2002, article 2 and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, 1982, Law 38 June 4, 1996, article 194. 

In general, the Submission alleges that in July 2020 a fuel spill in the Rodman Port area was reported in the media and that in June 2021 oil pollution was reported by fishermen in Taboga Island area. That on both occasions the Foundation has requested information on the procedures for addressing spills from the Panama Maritime Authority (AMP) in the interest of helping to prevent oil pollution in the marine environment and thus preserve the marine environment. The petitioner asserts that these requests for official information, has not received a substantive response from the Panamanian authorities.

  • Submission No.:
  • Date of Receipt:
    20 August 2021
  • Solicitor(s):
    Ricardo Wong Domínguez, presidente PRO-MAR
  • State Party:
Public Notice

The foundation for the protection of the pro-mar sea, presented  an environmental submission before the secretariat for environmental enforcement matters of the united states – panama trade promotion agreement, asserting a failure to effectively enforce environmental legislation in the republic of panama,  including  with  regard to the implementation of the 1978 protocol on the international convention to prevent pollution from ships and its amendments, law decree 7 of 1998, the single text of law 41 of 1998,  environmental general law from the republic of panama and others described.

Panama City, August 23, 2021. On August 20, 2021,  Mr. Ricardo Wong Domínguez in his capacity as president and legal representative of the Foundation for the Protection of the Sea, PRO-MAR, present via email to the Secretariat for Submissions on Environmental Enforcement Matters (SEEM) of the Trade Promotion Agreement (US-Panama TPA), in which he  assert that the Republic of Panama is failing   to effectively implement its environmental legislation.

In the Submission, identified as No. SALA-CA-PMA/002/2021 and titled "Marine Pollution by Hydrocarbons", the submitter Foundation  affirms  that the government of the Republic of Panama has failed to comply with environmental legislation with regard to the Protocol of 1978, relative to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships and its amendments; Law Decree 7, 1998, article 4, paragraphs 11 and 12; the Single Text of the Environmental General Law 41, 1998, articles 101, 104 and 105; Law 125, 2020, article 5; the Transparency Law, No. 6 January 2002, article 2 and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, 1982, Law 38 June 4, 1996, article 194. 

In general, the Submission alleges that in July 2020 a fuel spill in the Rodman Port area was reported in the media and that in June 2021 oil pollution was reported by fishermen in Taboga Island area. That on both occasions the Foundation has requested information on the procedures for addressing spills from the Panama Maritime Authority (AMP) in the interest of helping to prevent oil pollution in the marine environment and thus preserve the marine environment. The petitioner asserts that these requests for official information, has not received a substantive response from the Panamanian authorities.

The SALA is currently analyzing the Submission, in order to determine if it is compliant with the requirements established in Article 17.8.2 of Chapter 17 of the US-Panama TPC and thus whether the SEEM is able to continue with the respective procedure.




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